Andre Farms

See the services we offer.


Organic Waste Management

Andre Farms has been composting, developing leading organic waste management systems since 1992. Municipal yard trimmings, commercial food scraps, and other organic byproducts have been diverted from traditional liquid and solid waste management channels such as the water treatment plants and landfills in order to more sustainably support organic producer and processor business growth.

Most situations are are unique and require some consultation to set up and manage in order to be most effective. Brokering, processing, and administering organic byproducts is what we have come to pride ourselves in over the years.


Andre Farms began over 15 years ago collecting local municipal yard waste and nearby dairy manure surpluses in developing one of the nation’s leading composting facilities, able to handle yard, ag, animal, and food waste. Today, EPA certified as a class 2 composting facility, and monitored to ensure premium fertility, compost that leaves the site has 300% the plant nutrition of topsoil and can be used as a substitute for traditionally manufactured petroleum based fertilizers.

Delivery, pickup, bulk loads, custom applications, rough wood chip mulch, and fine bedding soil – There’s something for everyone. Give us a call and let us put something together for you.

Soil Fertility Management

Topsoil is one of society’s most critical resources, and ensuring yours is optimized for peak performance is what Andre Farms does best. From soil testing to custom application and logistics to long term mapping and planning, you can control what and how much plant nutrient is on location and when.

Get in touch today so that your tomorrow can be greener. We can get started right away formulating  a plan for you.

Custom Farming

The Andre’s have been farming as far back as the family records go, and throughout that history the one quality that has typified their farm has been their pursuit of the most environmentally conscious and effective methods of crop production.

Complete water management, soil stewardship, plant health, weed and insect control, harvesting, and gain handing are only part of what you can expect when Andre Farms comes to your fields. Let us know your situation, and we can help make sure your next season in as productive as possible.

Land Forming

Soil fertility can only take a property so far. Without the proper water drainage and retention you won’t be able to sustainably steward your soil, the environment, your community watershed, or the productivity and value of your property.

Andre Farms has always been a steward of soil and water resources, and since 1959 it has been actively engaged in precision grading, surface drainage, grass waterways, terracing, erosion control systems, stormwater management, site development, wetland development, landscape grading, conservation projects, habitat management, athletic fields, lagoons and ponds, excavating, earth moving, and dozing. Whatever your land forming need we can help you.